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Preparation is the key to success of any job. Prior to any finish decoration being applied, the preparation of the surface and surrounding areas must meet certain criteria's. In the application of texture, masking paper with tape is fastened to the top of walls where it meets the ceiling. When masking all surfaces in the areas that texture is being applied, masking must be as close to the ceiling as possible. Plastic poly is then fastened to the masking paper and dropped down to cover any objects or surfaces from overspray. 

For final preparation stage, new surfaces or repaired surfaces receive a coat of primer. Primer seals the surface and acts as a bonding agent for the texture.


In situations where furniture or appliances are difficult to be moved, Artex Texturing provides a "Bag Out" method which consists of encasing the workspace with plastic poly. Plastic poly is attached to all surrounding areas, wrapped around any furniture or appliances. If more attention is needed to be applied to protect hard wood flooring, cardboard can be laid out in the main walkway areas. This "Bag Out" method is used to contain the majority of dust or debris from travelling to other areas.





Popcorn texture has been applied to homes since the 1950's and is still commonly used in today's new constructed neighbourhoods. **Popcorn texture is applied on a surface with  good depth and a constant pop corn look**. Popcorn texture is the standard texture for homes giving a bright, white appearance with the ability to hide imperfections to the surface underneath.






Knockdown texture has become very popular in newly constructed neighbourhoods through out Calgary. Knockdown is visually pleasing and hides minor imperfections that the surface underneath may present. The application procedure of knockdown is more time consuming then the commonly known popcorn texture. Knockdown texture is splattered on the surface of the ceilings or walls, left to set for a short time then gently "knocked down" or "flattened" with a trowel to leave a beautiful consistent pattern. Knockdowns durable and can be re painted if maintenance is required.


Splatter / Orange Peel

Orange Peel

Splatter / Orange Peel

Orange Peel



Splatter and orange peel texture have similiar properties in appearance and in application. Splatter and orange peel texture differ only in the size of texture being sprayed varying from the size of a ball point pen to the tip of an average pinky finger. Splatter/Orange peel texture is sprayed onto a finished surface adjusting the amount of product based on customer preference in either a light, medium or heavy form. Splatter/Orange peel texture is common in hotels and apartments cause its easier to repair. 



Level 5 Flat

Level 5 Flat

Level 5 Flat

Level 5 Flat ceilings are exactly as it sounds, a flat ceiling. After the boarding and taping of the joints, the ceiling will take a skim coat of mud to maintain a uniform flat look. The skim coat of mud fixes any imperfections or trade flaws to the surface. Once this skim coat is applied dry, it's sanded gently and now prepared for applications of the final decoration.